4 out of 10 Luxembourg employees are tempted to leave their job because of commute time

Posted 2 years ago

A recent survey conducted by jobs.lu on recruitment practices looked particularly at what makes Luxembourg an attractive workplace.

Six out of ten employees in Luxembourg say that the main reason for pursuing their career in the Grand Duchy is the country’s salary attractiveness.

In contrast, four out of ten Luxembourg employees say that commuting time is the main reason they would leave Luxembourg. The decline in salary attractiveness and the limitations of the remote working option are two other factors that weigh the country’s attractiveness.

Luxembourg, 8 December 2022 -The evolution of Luxembourg’s attractiveness to talent is a major challenge. Although the national economy is still in a positive dynamic, the difficulties in attracting talent are the main decrease in the development of companies. In this context, what are the main assets of Luxembourg in the eyes of workers and candidates? What makes them want to continue their career in the Grand Duchy, or, on the contrary, what factors are likely to make them leave Luxembourg and consider another professional path?
These questions, which are at the heart of current events concerning the evolution of the labor market, were submitted by the jobs.lu portal to a panel of 950 users of its platform as part of a recent survey on recruitment practices and their evolution.

Six out of ten employees stay in Luxembourg for the salary

The survey asked participants to name the main reason they want to continue their career in Luxembourg in the coming years.

For 6 out of 10 employees, the attractiveness of the salary remains the main reason to stay in Luxembourg.

Almost one in five (18%) intends to stay in Luxembourg because of the country’s career opportunities.

Finally, 1 in 10 employees (9%) cite the international environment proposed by the Grand Duchy as the main reason for pursuing their career.

Limitations related to remote working, an obstacle for 16% of respondents

While the survey sought to find out why Luxembourg employees stay, it also asked them what might make them want to leave.

Four out of ten (39%) cited the time it takes to commute to work as the main reason for considering a career outside Luxembourg. The limitations of working remotely are mentioned by 16% of the respondents. The decline in salary attractiveness is cited as the main reason for leaving by 35% of respondents.

These answers offer interesting indicators to recruiters as much as they allow a better understanding of the national challenges in talent attractiveness, comments Arthur Meulman, Managing Director of jobs.luAlthough it has yet to be discussed since the lifting of the health measures, the limits linked to the possibilities of teleworking, particularly because of the tax or social security rules to which frontier workers are subject, are not the main obstacle to the attractiveness of talent. Preserving salary attractiveness and reducing commuting times are found to be even more important issues.

It is interesting to note that 65% of the respondents to this survey work on-site, full-time, and 31% in hybrid mode, taking advantage of remote work. Only 3% said they were fully remote.

Finding a new balance

The research also examined what a candidate thinks is most important when responding to a job offer.

  • 81% cite the salary
  • 60% pay attention to the company’s culture
  • 42% pay attention to diversity and inclusion issues
  • 31% look at sustainable considerations
  • 28% are interested in the company’s innovative approach to the industry

The attractiveness of a job depends on many factors. Employees’ and candidates’ expectations are changing. This is mainly felt by the new generation, but also by many workers who, in light of the health crisis, have sometimes reviewed their priorities, continues Arthur Meulman. More than ever, to strengthen their attractiveness, recruiters must be able to take into account these changing expectations to find the right balance between salary compensation, flexibility, and fulfilling company culture.


As part of its survey, jobs.lu submitted a questionnaire to a sample of employees working in Luxembourg on new recruitment practices.

The questionnaire, available in English and French, was submitted to the 950 participants between October 13 and 27. Our analysts screened the results to ensure that the representation and validity of respondents’ answers were accurate. The data collected reveals the perception and expectations of candidates regarding the recruitment process and the attractiveness of Luxembourg.